This year has powerfully changed everything – dreams, plans, strategies and workflows, even ourselves, both as professionals and human beings. There happened things we’ve never thought of, pulling us all outside the comfort zone, determining us to change behaviours and routines, establish new sets of values, new priorities, reorganize.
Many industries have been seriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the Events Industry, where almost every action was impossible outside the online environment. We’ve seen cancelled events, postponed events, but
also creative approaches of offline events; we’ve seen chaos, challenges and reinvented actions.
The future is blurry. The solution is THE BACK-UP PLAN.
The New World of the Events Industry is still uncertain, but it appears to be the most “assumed” version of it. The Event Professional of the future is going to be creative and complex, but extremely cautious, managing a perfect balance between strategy and unexpected, between a plan and the swift, creative approach of the unforeseen situations. He/she is going to work on the plan and carefully analyse anything that could turn out wrong. Thus, he/she will develop a Plan B, a Plan C, a Plan D – as many plans as will be needed to avoid a situation like this. He/she will work more in order to lose less.
The past few months have made us realize the importance of our work, the responsibility we have to our communities, to our partners, to our team and ourselves, to our souls that are always part of the events. The New World of the industry will practically emphasize these things. And we will win!
The future is blurry. The solution is THE BACK-UP PLAN.
Andreea-Carla Muresan is an Experience Creator @ ALLA Agency & Events.
This exclusive article by Andreea-Carla Muresan first appeared in the Elite Business Women magazine.
Read the full magazine here.