Clubul de Traduceri
Clubul de Traduceri Traducerea este cea care transformă totul pentru a nu schimba nimic, o spune Günter Grass deținătorul premiului Nobel pentru literatură. Ei… după acest principiu ne călăuzim și noi, CLUBUL DE TRADUCERI. Am început ca traducători de limba engleză, iar Biroul nostru din zona Drumul Taberei a fost înființat în urma unei […]
Irina Badii, iTRAD founder
Irina Badii, iTRAD founder Hello! I am Irina Badii, I am 35 years old and I am iTRAD translator and founder. Our company offers translation, interpretation services and language courses. We are primarily addressing companies that, by the nature of their work and faced with this globalization process, need to facilitate the communication process. I discovered […]
Aura Icodin, A_BEST Foreign Language Centre
Aura Icodin, A_BEST Foreign Language Centre Passionate about methodology in foreign language teaching, Aura Icodin is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, class of 2003, and is specialized in „Applied English Linguistics” (University of Bucharest – 2004) and „Educational Management” (SNSPA – 2008). Aura is an oral examiner for LCCI […]
Lorelai Bilinschi, LIODENT CLINIQUE
My name is Lorelai Bilinschi. I am a doctor, I graduated from the UMF Carol Davila University of Bucharest. In 2001 I started my activities as a doctor in Braşov. I worked in the Hospital and at the same time in the Dentalmed clinic. Because of my qualities, I have been remarked and than I […]
Andreea Carlan
Andreea Carlan You might come one day and try our “all you can eat” buffet full of goodies; you might come a week later and try the same buffet with either less dishes or more but still the same fresh taste. If you are lucky enough you’ll get a vegan “cakegasm” with one of our signature cakes. This is […]
Alexandru Zamfir
Alexandru Zamfir, SHIELD Founded by Alexandru Zamfir, SHIELD is a Security Company based in London. With a military background and training in the Security Industry, over 12 years in his homeland Romania and UK, within the sectors of TV, Film, Retail and Nightlife Security, Alexandru believes: „No matter what your business niche is, no […]
Derin Cag
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Derin Cag is founder and CEO of Richtopia, a digital platform covering a mix of valuable content on success, future investments, new technologies, work/life balance, inspirational people, finance and economics. The aim of Richtopia is to use information to inspire all in business and life. So far it has exceeded expectations in bringing the human element […]
Laura Morrison
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Tapping into the talent of women is key to business success. The focus of Laura’s work is to facilitate your growth, creating successful businesses and careers that enable you to be happy and fulfilled. Laura is passionate about developing authentic confidence in leaders, motivation in teams, and strategising for business growth. The best way of […]