Elite Business Women, launched by Bianca Tudor, is expanding globally. Recently, the project has been included among other 1,000 successful stories worldwide via The Story Exchange, a digital media project showcasing entrepreneurial women around the world. The campaign mentions its contribution in developing a culture of female entrepreneurship in Romania.
Elite Business Women is a life story. “Be the woman who makes the difference” my grandmother used to say, who was proud to be a woman. Inspired by authentic values and principals, Bianca Tudor began her unique trip into the world of entrepreneurship with the desire to combine volunteerism with the chance to give something back to the society and with the freedom to build a great business.
This is how was created Elite Business Women, an organisation activating in social entrepreneurship, which aims to develop female entrepreneurs and to establish an entrepreneurial culture in Romania. More than 500 participants have already attended the monthly event Elite Networking Club and the events organized during the national campaign “They have succeeded”, which presents successful feminine business models.
“Success is the ability to transform failure into achievements, to find your passion, the ambition to follow it and give something to the society. Our goal is to become an international company for women working together. Building a community of women entrepreneurs is our motto. A community where the values of each is defined by integrity, social responsibility and passion for high standards, redefining the standards and sharpening our entrepreneurial abilities” says Bianca Tudor.
Elite Business Women is a community of female entrepreneurship, where the members have the opportunity to interact and to talk about the business model that brought their success. The mission of the project is that of becoming a valuable instrument in developing entrepreneurship locally and globally at the same time, by intermediating partnership with other countries. The initiative has been inspired by the launch of Female Leadership Organization in partnership with Le Roi Bear (South Africa).