Anca Florina Costache, Integrative Business Consultant


For 20 years I have built and managed my own two successful businesses. One in real estate construction, and another in real estate valuation, both with significant sales.

For 7 years, I have created a wellness consulting point, in order to support the high-risk lifestyle of women entrepreneurs.

Every entrepreneur has his moments of frustration and exhaustion, when he feels overwhelmed and burned-out, because of so many responsibilities and deadlines.

I know how it feels, when you are both a performer and manager of your own business: when you have too many balls in the air, you surely maylose an important area of ​​your life.

This can be the relationship you have with your family or even the relationship you have with your health.

I don’t think you can play with your health.

Business does not mean stress; it means development and continuous action.

This is why you need a consultant: to find the optimal solutions for you, to have more energy, to have more confidence in yourself, in order that you may achieve your goals in every area of ​​your life.

My experience of over 20 years of ​​successful business, the courses I have graduated in the last seven years, as well as theclients who have been satisfied with my services are the assets that recommend me for this job.

Over the last seven years, I completed several international courses and obtained certifications, including: EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Academy (EFTMRA), Kutschera-Resonanz Coach and NLP master by Kutschera Institute, PSYCH-K Advanced Integration, Reiki, Theta Healing Advanced, Trainer and Personal Development Counsellor.

I love people and I like to help them. I learned how to use a holistic approach, while looking at the human being in front of me.

Together we can build a better world for ourselves, for our sons and grandsons.
