Raluca Culda: The business lessons I’ve learned in the last 8 months
At the beginning of the XXth century, the world was watching in awe the economic changes that the new industrial era was presenting. We had a new work structure given by the fact that people were working 8-hour days, which offered a different pace to their personal life. The social rights of the working […]
Andra Raluca Tautu: The True, The good and The Beautiful – an integrative look at your environment via Arkia Design
”To understand the whole, it is necessary to understand the parts. To understand the parts, it is necessary to understand the whole. Such is the circle of understanding. We move from part to whole and back again, and in that dance of comprehension, in that amazing circle of understanding, we come alive to meaning, […]
Adaptation and evolution of A_BEST language courses in the new socio-economic context generated by the pandemic: connected online from anywhere with the corporate environment in Romania and the EU!
A_BEST is considered one of the largest independent language learning centres in Romania. The A_BEST team organizes foreign language and Romanian language courses for expats, and our client portfolio includes over 250 multinational companies in fields such as IT, telecommunications, banking, insurance, pharma, FMCG, transport and logistics. With a portfolio of over 10 foreign languages, […]
Ioana Arsenie: Trusted Advisor New Era
I choose to refer to the ingredients for a successful business: 1. Perfect your structure, to work as a war machine for you, and build trust! 2. Obsessed optimization, but keep the personal touch in value proposition! 3. Get personally involved while digitizing as much as possible and smoothing processes: Creativity in technical and […]
Dana Stan: The New World. Where to, Mrs Entrepreneur? To the Stars, please!
We are living unprecedented times at all levels, that’s a reality some are scared about, while some choose to see it as a challenge. It’s up to each of us where we place ourselves and how we decide to go through it. We can see it as a good thing, meaning a major opportunity to […]
Raluca Radu: We will go back to our previous reality, but there will be changes
Raluca Radu is Country manager Answear.ro & Founder MTH Digital. Read our exclusive interview with her. We are living in unprecedented times – what does the ‘New World’ look like to you and how are you working on changing the future? I personally don’t believe in a “new world” that is different from the […]