Elite Business Women SRL
Nr. Reg. Com.: J40/ 4591/ 14.04.2014
C.U.I.: 33061179
Adress: Bucharest, str. Madrid 4
Home » Networking
Elite Café with Bianca Tudor
Concept: ELITE Café is a monthly ONLINE networking event dedicated to Elite Business Club Romania members as well as to those who want to become members of the EBC Romania. It is facilitated by Bianca Tudor, entrepreneur & founder of Elite Business Club, Elite Business Women, Elite Investment Fund and ELITE Communication.
Duration: 90 min
Frequency: monthly
Access: complimentary – based on a share in the online environment
Advantages: the event is accessible to both members and non-members:
Elite Business Women SRL
Nr. Reg. Com.: J40/ 4591/ 14.04.2014
C.U.I.: 33061179
Adress: Bucharest, str. Madrid 4
Created by Digital Craft Agency.