I choose to refer to the ingredients for a successful business:
1. Perfect your structure, to work as a war machine for you, and build trust!
2. Obsessed optimization, but keep the personal touch in value proposition!
3. Get personally involved while digitizing as much as possible and smoothing processes:
- Creativity in technical and non-technical areas of business
- Precise measurement of intermediary results in dynamic milestones
- Strategic partnership with your business community
4. Dynamic management using Business Simulator and Trusted App (Trusted Advisor’s tools). u
5. Accelerate and ongoing selection of opportunities, people, projects.
All together in a success road map. Valid for turbulent time, as well in accelerated growth periods.
*** For family businesses I want to enforce the succession planning, as being a medium-term process but also an opportunity to clean old unhealthy habits and refresh the structure and market presence.
!!! My vision about the present and the future encompass the obsession for creating trust and value, no matter as simple or complex is our job, with respect for you and the final client. I think the obsession, transparence and focused activity upgrade my yesterday vision to this new one where women and men are equal contributors for performance***
Ioana Arsenie – owner Trusted Advisor Strategy & Finance – is an expert in business strategies, with expertise in financial, fiscal and management consulting, who offers, by means of her company, integrated services related to a financial strategy and accounting for Romanian entrepreneurs.
In July 2020, Trusted Advisor launched Trusted App, the financial reporting application for entrepreneurs, with more than 60 clients now and 600 logs in 3 months.
This article first appeared in the Elite Business Women magazine.
Read the full magazine here.