“Fortune Favours the Prepared Mind”
For the second consecutive year, Elite Business Women nominates and rewards the ELITE Woman – Revolutionary, in the categories of creative entrepreneurship, business performance, CSR, internationalization of business and responsible media.
The ELITE woman looks fundamentally different from that of previous generations. For the first time in history, we are able to embrace that our lives are multidimensional. We do things we like, things that inspire us and at the same time we build not only for us and for the community
Key Note Speakers, Mr. Gerard O’Donovan CEO Noble Manhattan Coaching and Mr. Marius Ghenea, on the subject: the current economic context. Also in the Life and Work Balance Panel, we are pleased to announce the presence of Mr. Florin Bălănică, Nutritionist and Mr. Dr. Andi Drăgus.
The event is addressed to female entrepreneurs, diaspora entrepreneurs, career women in multinational companies and business men.
We are honoured to announce the presence of a great personality, Mr. Gerard O’Donovan as a Key Note Speaker
Gerard, is the founder of Noble-Manhattan Coaching, Ltd., a worldwide coaching organization dedicated to teaching the skills necessary to attain success.
Noble Manhattan are one of the longest established coach training companies in the world and currently train individual and executive coaches in 28 countries
From his headquarters in England, Gerard travels the world, developing and consulting with businesses and individuals passionate about achieving success. Employing a unique style of public speaking that is at once dynamic, motivating, and humorous, Gerard is known throughout Europe as a master coach and hailed worldwide, because his methods, training and strategies work to help people achieve peak performance in everything they do.
He is also the owner and founder of Westminster Indemnity, the world’s largest online provider of indemnity insurance to the coaching and personal development world.
He is the owner and founder of “The Alpha Group”, the world’s premier membership organisation for CEOs and senior managers
He is the owner and founder of the “International Coaching News”, the world’s largest independent magazine for the coaching and personal development world.
Sign up for the event by email:, until 05.03.2018!
We also provide you with the event page at this link
EBW Team