We are living in unprecedented times – what does the ‘New World’ look like to you and how are you working on changing the future?
Iulia Ioana Huiduc-Manolescu: A new world means first something unexpected, and I am looking forward to it! Now, each of us has a huge opportunity to change, to grow, to reconnect to ourselves, to focus on our identity, to get back to our values and true desires. This new world leads us on a path of self-discovery and development. Secondly, it is obvious that now more than ever, mankind and technology are „joining hands” together for a better, more efficient, sustainable, and brave New World! The coronavirus crisis is reshaping the world and us. I truly believe that the fortune favours the brave, the ones that dare to step it up.
Can you imagine how it must have felt for humankind when discovered the fire? This kind of feeling we are having now with the challenge of technology. In my opinion, this is the next quantic gap for us. Why? Because I believe that, this will lead to a brand new structure and social-economical dynamics. This is a challenge for all those who are still clinging to old values, pyramidal structures, and old paradigms. Therefore, whether we want it or not, this new world means new us. And we must accept this. Acceptance is the „magic wand” that transforms the impossible into the possible. It opens the door to new awareness, clarity, trust, and an abundance of internal and external resources. Thus, the infinite existing potentials are brought to light and our reconnection with the Authenticity and essence of all that we truly are – the primordial need of every human being – flows as a natural consequence.
What is your main business focus now and are you working towards always keeping it at the core of what you do?
Iulia Ioana Huiduc-Manolescu: I am currently also president of the Learn to Fly Association (As. ÎnvațăsăZbori), and an internationally certified trainer from the InstitutKutschera® (Austria) as well as a Member of TheComplementary Medical Association (UK). Within the Association, I am the only trainer at the international level, who also teaches the Method of Professor Dr Florian Colceag®. This has shaped a lot my vision of the future.
My main business focus has been and it will be to evolve, and to help others, persons or companies, to find the right and most efficient solutions for the uprising challenges or needs that may appear now or in the future. Developing the most appropriate, adequate, coherent, sustainable, and efficient solutions for my clients is at the core of what I do and makes this business worth living for!
My experience in Quantic Coach (Executive, Life, Performance, Spiritual), TRE® – Tension and Trauma Release Exercise Certified Facilitator – Therapeutic method for stress and trauma relief, which was developed by Dr David Berceli, allowed me to play a strategic role in the development of iSentinelâ, the new intelligent seismic protection, and warning solutions. My crisis and earthquake survival courses are unique in Romania, and this is due to years of experience in coaching.
iSentinel®, intelligent seismic protection and warning solutions – one of the main projects that I focus on right now, in collaboration, – are part of the portfolio of Arexman Construct, an innovative Romanian company, with concerns in the field of systems for protection and saving lives and property in case of an earthquake, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and war actions. My role in the company is to improve the solutions from our portfolio and to continue to be a reliable supplier for every type of business, from individuals to small businesses and corporations.
In the event of an earthquake, iSentinel® (iSentinel® HOME, iSentinel® IMMO, iSentinel® Industry) allow companies, regardless of size and activity, to continue to operate, to save lives, ensuring business continuity.
iSentinel®, the intelligent seismic protection, and warning solutions are already installed in the country and abroad. National Bank of Romania, Romanian Banking Institute, ENGIE, Mediaplus, Puratos factory, IBM, Skanska, GreenGate, Tower Center International, Hagi Academy, Peasant Museum, International School of Bucharest, etc., but also individuals are just some of the customers who use with full satisfaction iSentinel®. Also, the iSentinel® solutions have been successfully implemented in Switzerland, the USA, Honolulu, France, Italy, Brussels, etc.
What defines you as an entrepreneur and as a leader?
Iulia Ioana Huiduc-Manolescu: I am not much into definitions, as they tend to pin down the person or the thing that is defined. I consider myself a Creator, a passionate professional in whatever I choose to do or manage. What matters most to me is Consciousness, Clarity, and Responsibility. As a Leader, I always choose the cards of coherence and sustainability, living by the motto: „Failing to plan is planning to fail.” So, for me is very important to live and do what I preach. I always allow the highest and most appropriate potentials to manifest, even when this means having to take it on a brand new path, climbing the wildest peaks, or doing things in a very different manner than anyone else before. I will always choose the way where there is no path and leave a trail. This defines me as a woman entrepreneur and leader.
If you want to talk more, let’s connect.
This exclusive interview with Iulia Ioana Huiduc-Manolescu first appeared in the Elite Business Women magazine.
Read the full magazine here.