Veronica Oancea
How would you present yourself, in a generous phrase (in pers. 3, including Name, Surname and position)?
Veronica Oancea, co-founder Comunitatea 50 Plus, passionate marketer & researcher of aging perception & process in a world of accelerated digitalization.
Make a description or define your work
My expertise is in advertising & marketing both in multinational & antreprenorial environment, involving team coordination & management responsabilities
What does the story of your career or business sound like?
Comunitatea 50 Plus is a business that unexpectedly started on Facebook from my mother’s talent in writing and was passed over to me to transform it in the place where anyone over 50 can expand safely their friends circle by socializing while traveling, going to parties and other useful various activities.
What were your visions in childhood/adolescence and what are they now?
I thought I would become a famous journalist & writer, I am still on this path, as my activity with Comunitatea 50 Plus atracted a side academic preoccupation in order to add depth to the stories we tell and to the activities we promote among the members.
Please tell us a positive and a negative story/experience related to your activity
The positive story is about me and my mother – through Comunitatea 50 Plus I had the rare opportunity to know her and see her from different angles that the role of mother & daughet would provide. I saw her creativity, her sense of building things and relate to other people, her practical side, things that I never saw before in her and that inspired me a lot.
The negative stories are related rather to the business environment, as I encountered many unfortunate collaborations, with only short term winning objective and that provoked problems in the projects and among the members.
What advice do you have for those who are just starting out or undecided?
To build a business is a challenging journey, but it is important to assume it and take out the best of it. To me is an outstanding opportunity to find out a lot of things about myself that no other circumstance would provide.
Please provide your own definition for Romanian society, businesses and careers!
The Romanian society, businesses & carreers is a unique place with big opportunities if you are aware of them & have the knowledge to scale & monetize them properly.