Pro Bodystyling is a partner at ELITE BUSINESS CLUB

Founder of Pro Bodystyling and Pro Fitness athlete, Andreea Tina is one of London’s most sought after coaches. Being renowned as a physique model, strength & conditioning coach and fat loss specialist, she has trained some of the most demanding and successful professionals in the world. Andreea is famous for her tough and challenging workouts […]

Advanced Beauty Clinic is a partener at Elite Business Club London

Advanced Beauty Clinic is a partner at ELITE BUSINESS CLUB Dr Helena Benson with 25 years of experience is offering the following treatments in her clinic at 55. A desire to improve your appearance is not about vanity. It’s about confidence and your self-esteem. If looking good makes you feel better, then why not invest […]

Internaționalizarea afacerilor românești – Elite Business Club Londra by ELITE & INACO

Vești bune de la Elite Business Women & INACO! Pentru a susține internaționalizarea afacerilor românești, ELITE continuă acțiunile de a conecta antreprenorii și proprietarii de afaceri într-un proiect de networking de afaceri și educație antreprenorială în Londra, de data aceasta în parteneriat cu INACO. Sunteti invitați la evenimentul Elite Business Club – INACO, 21 octombrie, ora […]