We invite 5 international companies
to present their activity LIVE
during our

Dear entrepreneurs,
Even if we are in a global pandemy you are connected, you understand the importance of online networking, follow up, personal brand and keeping live the business running!
Join us at Elite Business Club Italy 31th of March , 4PM Italy time



2021 will be the year of transition (#transition) but above all – Resilience. (# Resilience)

Individuals, businesses and societies can begin to look forward to shape their future rather than just grinding into the present.

Business leaders now have a better idea of ​​what can and cannot be done outside of their companies’ traditional processes. Many are starting to appreciate how quickly their organizations can move once they change the way they do things. In short, the coronavirus is forcing the pace and scope of innovation on the type of business, work, collaboration.

Cultivating an upcoming normal that will be better than the one it has replaced will be a long-term test of all our institutions, global and local, public and private. It will be essential to rebuild #greenfuture, #healthyfuture for the future, and not solve the problems of the past.


A possible next # normal is that decisions made during and after the crisis lead to less prosperity, slower growth, growing inequality, bloated government bureaucracies, and rigid borders. Or – it could be that the decisions made during this crisis lead to an explosion of innovation and productivity, more resilient industries, (#resilience) smarter governance at all levels and the emergence of a reconnected world.

The world is a matter of choice, of countless decisions (#gooddecisions), which must be made consciously by – Individuals, Companies, Governments and Institutions.

This is also our World – Elite Business Club Italia @EBCITALY – presented by Elite Business Women @EBW – a World made by Women, but destinated for a whole World: Individuals, Companies, Governments and Institutions!

A world of B2B and B2c networks of: 

Elite networking 

Elite collaborations

Elite business 

Elite education 

Elite projects 

Elite investments 

Elite Internationalization 

The World of the Elite Business Club Italy

It is impossible to know what will happen in the future.

But it is possible to consider the lessons of the past, both distant and recent, and on this basis think together in a constructive and innovative way about our future.


Speakers & Partners launching Elite
Business Club Italy

Florin JIANU – former Minister for SMEs, business and tourism environment, President of the National Council of Small and Medium Private Enterprises in Romania

Cătălin PREDOIU – former Minister of Justice, Deputy, representative of the Romanian Parliament

Livia ILIE – Vice-rector of Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu

Adrian RADĂ – Vice-President of the National Federation for Vocational Education and Training

Mihaela STROE PhD – International Women’s Ambassador Elite Business Woman and the only behavioral analyst (profiler) in the business area of ​​Romania, specially trained by Joe Navarro, the FBI’s best criminal profiler in the last 100 years.

► Directors of local and regional institutions



Our EBC Italy members enjoy KEY BENEFITS:

  • Create & Strengthen Business Connections

  • Learning from other ELITE Entrepreneurs

  • Access to International Business Opportunities

  • Generate Referrals, Increase Business Partnerships & Deals (with your involvement, using the membership benefits)

  • Share Business Experiences & Expand Know How

  • Raising Your Business Profile

  • Increase Brand & Image Visibility

  • Obtain VIP participation to EBW events & conferences

  • Stay informed about business trends

Agenda EBC ITALY on 31 of March 2021:

1. Online presentation networking

2. 1 min business pitching for all the attendees

3. NEW NORMAL INNOVATION4BUSINESS in Italy with international collaboration and partnerships!

Make sure you follow up people you meet during the EBC Italy!

Elite Business Club is a network of companies across Europe, GCC, Russia.


About Bianca Tudor

About our Elite Business Women International- @EBW: 

Elite Business Women, www.ebw.business, vision is to build the first Elite company for women entrepreneurship globally!

ELITE Mission is to become a valuable tool in the development of women entrepreneurship worldwide by encouraging and building partnerships with other countries. Our ecosystem of education has already 10 Elite Business Clubs in 5 countries across Europe and a network of 12.000 women & men entrepreneurs and we are expanding in the GCC with our EU GCC Women’s Cooperation Group initiative, also.

EBW has 3 main pillars of activity:

– Education & Training  in our Elite Business Club 

– Sharing Economy in Elite Business Women Investment Fund NGO

– Global collaboration in the EU GCC Women’s Cooperation Group & International Countries

BiancaTudor - @EBW Founder & CEO:


She started her career from the first year of college, working in a multinational. Over time, she gained experience, discovered her managerial skills, and at the age of 22 she becomes the Director of Training and Personal Development for the Global Organization Junior Chamber International Bucharest. At 24 she is the youngest Regional Director in The Alpha Group International and at 26, after 7 years in the corporate world she steps into entrepreneurship creating Elite Business Women, Elite Business Women Investment Fund and Elite Communication.

Bianca Tudor is also a Senator for World Business Angels Investment Forum, an Advisory Board for Women in Business Interreg 9 countries in Europe.

About our Elite Ambassador EBW Italy and our International Regional Director Elite Business Club ITALY: Liliana Ursu Pugnetti:



Elite Business Women SRL

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