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Step UP!
Join the ELITE
We create international business opportunities for women entrepreneurs!
Become a MEMBER
The EBW club consists of business women who want to take a step ahead and leave a visible trace in their fields. What they do has a strong impact on the industry, for which reason Elite Business Women steps in to enhance this power to make a change; we urge YOU to join our endeavours!
The ELITE Membership is for:
- Start- ups
- SME’s
- Corporations
- View, search and connect to Elite Members
- Access Business Opportunities
- Access to Exclusive Members’ Offers
- Opportunity to promote your products/services through Member's Offer and Business Opportunities featured in our EBW Newsletters
- Attend all the ELITE Business Club Exclusive Webinars
- Attend ELITE Exclusive Online and Offline Meetup with Elite Members
- Email Campaign to introduce your company to members
- Social Media Promotion
- Opportunity to present/share your expertise through ELITE Business Clubs Offline Events and Webinars
- Opportunity to highlight your articles and offers in the ELITE Business Women Magazine
- Create & Strenghten Business Connections
- Learning from other ELITE Entrepreneurs
- Access to Business Opportunities
- Generate Referalls, Increase Business Partnerships & Deals (with your involvement, using the membership benefits)
- Share Business Experiences & Expand Know How
- Raising Your Profile
- Increase Brand Visibility
- Obtain VIP participation to EBW events & conferences
- Stay informed about business trends
Business Incubator
€500 + VAT
- Included access to business incubators
- 10 incubators a year, in groups of 4-16 business persons each
- You have your own board of directors as an SME and the possibility to share the issues and challenges with which your business is dealing with a group of entrepreneurs who provide you with constructive feedback and smart solutions
- Inclusion in a leaflet introducing EWB members, with recommendations for collaborations within the club as well as on national and international levels
Visibility & Events
€500 + VAT
- International Membership
- Articles in online magazines - 1/3 months
- Articles in the elite blog - 1/3 months
- Changemakers heading site 1/year
- 1 social media post about the entrepreneur or company in question - 1/3 months on EBW Facebook pages, on Instagram, and LinkedIn
- 2 republishing instances in the annual EBW newsletter to be sent to 12,000 companies in Romania or abroad, as per your choice
- Priority access to the EBW Annual Gala
- 30% discount for the Elite Business Club Europe - London, Lisbon, Rome
- Preferential price for the incubator
- Discount price for the Elite Communication services
- BONUS: included access to Leaders Meet up/ 1 month
- Leaders Meet up 1/month- Networking
- EU-GCC Global Collaboration
- TAG 1/ month - Mastermind
- Dubai Investors Summit & London Women Empowerment Summit – fee to be announced for these events
€400 + TVA
- Entrepreneur profile in the ELITE Business Catalog
- 2 articles / year about the COMPANY in EBW Magazine, in English
- Entrepreneur story presentation in ELITE Blog
- 1 post / quarterly about the company and the entrepreneur on the Social Media ELITE pages - FB, LinkedIN, Twitter
- 30% discount for ELITE events
- Collaboration with articles for our platform, 1 quarterly article
- Elite Market Offline-Voucher discount membership 3 events / year
€999 + TVA
- Entrepreneur profile in the ELITE Business Catalog (forever appearance)
- Promoting your business in ONLINE Elite Business Women Magazine, 2 articles / year
- 1 article inserted in the community newsletter / year
- Entrepreneur story presentation in ELITE Blog, 1 appearance
- Downloading 1 monthly article in the Social Media ELITE pages, about the company and the entrepreneur
- Collaboration with articles for ELITE Blog, 1 quarterly article
- FREE access to all ELITE Business Club Romania & international events
- Promoting your products and services by offering discounts offered to members in the ELITE Market section
- Access to the private Facebook group of the community, where you can promote your business and receive advice / tips
- Access to ELITE Mastermind Board, 1 month FREE & 20% discount on registration