My name is Roxana Tudor and I am a business lawyer with extensive professional experience gained over 18 years of activity and with a multidisciplinary professional training in both the legal and economic fields. I always strive to provide the best custom solutions, tailored to the situation and the client.
I am a partner within Tudor, Andrei and Associates, a law firm that, starting with May 2014, has concluded a long-term partnership with BDO Romania. The partnership with BDO allows us, using the experience of the other lines of business, to ensure a complete multidisciplinary approach to any legal problems that our clients face.
My mission, and implicitly that of the law firm, is to provide our clients with legal advice, assistance and representation in court with professionalism, involvement and maximum diligence.
My key expertise is in the M&A area, being certified as an International M&A Expert, with experience in the area of legal due diligence missions, both for the sale and for the purchase of businesses, offering over the years support and specialized assistance in a large number of transactions, in various industry areas. With the same consistency and involvement, I have coordinated the legal assistance and consulting part for our clients in the area of corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and reorganization of business, commercial contracts, labor law, real estate and tenant law, as well as IP&IT.
In considering the partnership with BDO I have also gained a vast experience in the area of regulation and public law, being involved as a legal or institutional expert, in long-term or short-term projects financed from public, European or EBRD funds.
I am constantly concerned with understanding the market and the business environment, the legal phenomenon with its evolution and dynamics and, amid a continuous professional training, I can intervene in a quick and flexible manner, tailored to the situation, in order to create and provide valuable legal and consulting services to our clients. “A successful legal career can only be built around shaping the personality of the lawyer.”
These having been said, allow me to conclude with a statement made by the late M.I. Manoilescu: “No sooner had you started criticizing and despising attorneys than life throws you in their need and makes you wish that they were kind and willing to help you.”
Tudor, Andrei and Associates SPARL*
Victory Business Center
24 Invingatorilor St, 3rd District, Bucharest
030922 ROMANIA
Tel: +40-21-319 94 76 Fax: +40-21-319 94 77
Mobile: +40 722 591 401
* Tudor, Andrei and Associates SPRL is the law firm affiliated with BDO Romania, a group of limited liability companies established in Romania, which are members of BDO International Limited, a UK-based company limited by guarantee ( “Limited by guarantee”) and is part of the BDO, international network of independent member companies.